Jai hind 1999 songs
Jai hind 1999 songs

jai hind 1999 songs

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jai hind 1999 songs

We will not be responsible for any loss or prejudice caused to anyone on account of inaccuracy of information. Indian Cinema Heritage Foundation does not make any specific promises about their accuracy. While due care is taken in making fact check and ascertaining accuracy of the content, there is likelihood of errors creeping in due to absence of credible sources available in our resources to verify with certainty. The content curated and posted by our team is based on diligent research. Kindly stay patient and look out for updates from time to time. Please note that the website is a constant work in progress and information or data on films, people and songs may be incomplete in many cases. While no images or text can be used without permission, everyone is free to share link to the various content on the website. It is also the story of Bindia (Bindu), Scindia (Sadashiv Amrapurkar) and many others who jointly write the Saga of `Glory called "JAI HIND". Gyanchand (Pran) who fought the wars for nation together and later are at wars with each other. It is the story of Walishah (Shahbaz Khan) the terrorist-chief who is obsessed by the wealth he gets from neighbouring country for creating terror in Kashmir. Roshni is obsessed by her love for Vijay and Roshan Lal by his love for pastures he has lost. It is the story of Roshni (Shilpa Shirodkar) and her father Roshan Lal (Prem Chopra), who are the targets of Terrorist in Kashmir. It is the story of Gulnar (Raveena Tandon) and Gulrosh (Rishi Kapoor) whose solemn love for each other inspires them for greater sacrifices for others. It is the story of Sheetal (Manisha Koirala) and Vijay (Kunal Goswami) who unite and separate, time and again by the cruel hand of destiny till they decide to fight destiny itself. Above all, it is the story of Love, Longing and Life narrated by the song of blood. It is also the story of Duty, Discipline and Devotion. The story of "JAI HIND" is the story of Pride, Prestige and Patriotism.

Jai hind 1999 songs