Green card renewal application form
Green card renewal application form

Order this guide to learn more details about the green card renewal application process and to learn how to start your application to renew your permanent resident card. The application must be started while the applicant is physically present inside the U.S. Legal Permanent Resident Card Holders (Green Card holders) who are physically present in the United States who need to renew, replace or update their green card.

  • The green card replacement application is also used for permanent residents who are taking up commuter status, or a commuter who is taking up residence status, applicants who automatically converted to permanent residence status, and for other reasons or purposes.
  • Green card holders who have reached 14th years of age must renew and replace their green card.
  • To replace an older edition of a green card with the current green card type.
  • green card renewal application form

    The existing card has incorrect data because of a USCIS error.The name or other biographic information on a green card has changed and it must be updated.Previous green card was issued by the USCIS but the applicant never received it.A green card was lost, stolen or destroyed.The green card renewal application can be used when a green card is expiring within six months or has already expired.To renew, replace or update a green card.

    green card renewal application form

    A green card is also called Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card, Form I-551. To renew the Expired Green Card, Form - I-90.

    green card renewal application form

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    Green card renewal application form