Data list by user login php maker
Data list by user login php maker

  • mysql 5.5 database or above on your web-server (homepage).
  • Ordinary web-server (homepage) space with a PHP version 5.6 or above.
  • Server curl upload (web-server to web-server upload).
  • data list by user login php maker

    Check if file (ex uploaded file) exists on server.Load public var (for public quests and messages).Get active users (check how may is "online" and playing your game right now).

    data list by user login php maker

  • Load user share data (user can share data with each other).
  • You can have unlimited amount of rows and 30 counters in each row for you to play around with. You can then see how difficult the level was worldwide. This means your level have a success rate of 1000/10000=10% of the total players worldwide. Then you can grab the try value ex say the level has been played 10000 times worldwide but only 1000 has finish it. When a player win a level you can count up another value +1. If a player try a level you can count up a value +1. Can be used to save attempts and win counters for games. Note that in GMS2 the demo only works on Windows target due to the deprecated "get_string" function. Works on GMS1.4 and GMS2. Should work on all platforms. Ex the user save data in your game on an android device and then load the data on the PC version of your game. You can also save data to the database and load it cross platforms. The players can register, validate their email and login with this API. Setup buttons will create the tables and fields in your mysql database on your webserver (homepage).

    data list by user login php maker

    This is a WebAPI that allow you to create a online user database for your game (backend).

    Data list by user login php maker
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